How much will acupuncture cost? Will it be covered by my insurance?

How much will acupuncture cost? Will it be covered by my insurance?

Cost of acupuncture in our centre is $75.00 for follow-up sessions, and $110 for initial visit.

Check with your insurer to see whether acupuncture will be covered, if so, should be provided by what kind of practitioner, to what extent. Some insurance plans require preauthorization for acupuncture.

If your policy covers acupuncture provided by registered (licensed) acupuncturist, or doctor of acupuncture, we are qualified.

After you pay for your treatment, we will provide you with a receipt with necessary information you will need be eligible for your reimbursement.

Should you have any concern or would like to book an appointment, please feel free to contact us at (403) 265-8889. Professionals in our centre would love to help you at our earliest convenience.